Thursday, September 1, 2011

I hate them because where did their hair go?

I hate cats. I hate them so much. They're snobby and rude and they smell funny and insist on going to the bathroom in  a box IN YOUR LIVING ROOM.

The Ugliest Cat Ever

I never thought my hatred of cats was based on looks, but then my friends Cory and Mary joined forces and simultaneously sent me this picture. Blarg...I think at one point it was a cat. But now it looks a lot more like a fat Yoda. A Fatoda.

Tonight one of the best people I know, my friend Jennie, came over super late, toting her sleeping daughter (Whom we refer to as Muffinhead. It's fine.), three movies in which awesome girls kick badguy butt, a bagful of Qdoba, and some popcorn. She knew I'd had a crap day and she knew that I wasn't doing so well in the food department, so in she came, even though she'd worked until super late.

Jennie and Muffinhead.

We sat on my bedroom floor and ate chips and salsa and talked and talked and she told me encouraging and wise things, things that only people who have lived through the hard stuff and talk to Jesus a lot could tell me. Jennie doesn't talk around an issue, she says exactly what she's thinking. No sugarcoating. I feel like Jennie could have her own talk show. As a matter of fact, Jennie could be the next Oprah, but with fewer weight issues. Also she's not African-American, she's Mexican. Hence the chips and salsa. She rocks my socks off.

In summary, that cat is hideous. Jennie is awesome. Oprah is retiring.


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